How to Make a Sex Doll?
There are a lot of silicone sex dolls in the market. As ordinary consumers, we are not sure whether they are made of platinum silicone? Therefore, in order to ensure the high quality of silicone sex dolls, you can actually DIY sex silicone dolls yourself. The silicone sex doll made in this way will be safer and cheaper. But it takes a lot of time. Prepare materials Tools: utility knife, dye pen, needle and thread, electric wind, gauze. Release agent: Vaseline. Auxiliary: silicone glue, cosmetic contact lenses, artificial eyelashes, wigs, nail art The production process of the first part of the sex doll Step 1: Use sludge to make parting line, and make a circle around the model Tip: You can use ordinary sludge or refined sludge. Carved sludge can be wrapped in clinker tape, softened in hot water, and taken out for use. It can also be softened with electric wind. The outer circle of ocher is the boundary of the model. After making one side of the model, make the other side, so that we ca